About Ore & Metal

Ore & Metal Company Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Assore Group, providing sales, marketing, and logistic services. Our expertise, high-quality products, on-the-ground presence, and relationships have distinguished us from the competition for nearly a century.


With over 90 years of global expertise, we excel in the trading, marketing, storage, and logistics of commodities. Our extensive experience spans key markets in South Africa, the United States, Europe, India, and China, enabling us to develop a strong and reliable worldwide network. This depth of experience ensures our ability to meet diverse market demands and deliver consistent, high-quality service to our clients across the globe.


We possess extensive knowledge of the mining sector, producing, marketing, and shipping a diverse array of metals and minerals, including iron ore, manganese, chrome, and ferroalloys. Additionally, we source and market various other commodities, alloys, and niche products from third parties, serving our customers’ industries globally.


Central to our strategy is a commitment to building long-term partnerships. We prioritise maintaining strong commercial relationships with our clients, who value our expertise, reputation, and in-depth market knowledge.

Annual Volumes

14700 kt

of Iron Ore traded

4630 kt

of Mn Ore traded

370 kt

of Mn Alloy traded

1900 kt

of Cr Ore traded

1234 kt

of Wonderstone traded


Vessels chartered

Our locations

Managing Director:
Rorie Wilson

Commercial Director:
Holly Waldeck


Managing Director:
Hal Kohn

Sales Manager:
Jonathan Huh

Sales Manager:
Charles Kohn


Managing Director:
Jaco Venter

Sales & Marketing Director:
Conrad Els

Commercial Director:
Carel Malan

Managing Director:
Marco Bifulco

Sales Manager:
Anna Noli


Managing Director:
Prabal Sengupta

Sales & Marketing:
Pinak Ghosh


Managing Director:
Ashley Mcleod

Iron Ore Sales Manager:
Kenji Tsutsumi

Manganese Ore & Alloy Sales Manager: Melissa Ramdutt


Managing Director:
Hal Kohn

Sales Manager:
Jonathan Huh

Sales Manager:
Charles Kohn


Our history

1930: Formation of Ore & Metal Company Limited (O&M)

1935: O&M’s first export of manganese through the Durban port, South Africa

1960: Assmang produces iron ore at Beeshoek for export

1961: Assore and Sumitomo form a marketing partnership

1972: Minerais founded as Almet Inc (subsidiary of Allegheny Ludlum Steel Co)

1986: Almet (Minerais) sold to S.A. des Minerais Luxembourg

1989: S.A. des Minerais acquired by JCI Ltd

1998: JCI Ltd sold S.A. des Minerais to Glencore

1999: O&M’s first Chrome Ore shipment.
S.A. des Minerais purchased by Minerais US management and O&M

2010: IPM Commodities Pvt Ltd (IPMC) established as the exclusive marketing agent of O&M in India

2011: IPMC first Shipment of Fe Ore from O&M to India

2012: IPMC start Coal & Met Coke business through IPMT

2015: Minmet SAM founded in Monaco, and acquired 49% of IPMC

2017: IPMC (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. was formed with IPMC owning 75%. First, Mn Ore trades through IPMC (Singapore)

2018: Minmet increases ownership of IPMC to 90%

2019: IPMC(Singapore) becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of IPMC

2020: Assore delists from the JSE. Assore International Holdings (AIH) incorporated (UK)

2021: AIH acquires O&M Europe (Minmet) and O&M India (IPMC). AIH increases its holdings in Minerais US LLC

2022: O&M International (UK) incorporated

2024: O&M Singapore JV estbalished


If you have a specific enquiry or question, please send us a message.